Checkout Web Hook

The Checkout webhook is essential for integrations that utilize the Inqud Hosted or Embedded Widget options.

For foundational information on webhooks, including key concepts and verification methods, please refer to the Webhook Basics page.

Checkout Web Hooks enable merchant systems to receive timely notifications regarding status changes of Checkouts.

Learn more about checkouts:


  • Your business account with Inqud is set up.

  • The Crypto Widget has been established and configured within the Inqud platform.

  • The Crypto Widget is active.

Setting up Web Hook

  1. Open the app and sign in.

  2. From the left menu bar, choose "Crypto widgets".

  3. Select the desired widget.

  4. Locate the "Checkout callback" option and click on "Edit".

  5. Enter the required details:

    • Callback link: Provide the URL of your webserver that will handle the callbacks.

    • Callback secret: Enter a secret key for signature calculation (optional).

  6. Click on "Save" to finalize your settings.


The Checkout Web Hook activates with every transition in checkout status. It requires your web server to respond with a 200 status code. If a different status code is returned, the Web Hook will attempt retries multiple times, using an exponential back-off strategy.

For detailed request specifications, please refer to the following page:

Checkout Web Hook Specification (see Callbacks sections)

Last updated