⚙️Embedded Widget

You can seamlessly incorporate the Inqud Crypto Widget directly into your application, offering a fluid and intuitive cryptocurrency payment flow.


  • Your business account with Inqud is set up, complete with API tokens configured.

  • The Crypto Widget has been established and configured within the Inqud platform.

  • Your website domain has been submitted, approved, and linked with the Crypto Widget.

  • The Crypto Widget is active.

  • Checkout web-hook is configured.


1. Create Checkout through Inqud API

Checkouts API Reference

Request Example:


Request Headers:
X-Token-API-Id: {tokenApiId}
X-Token-API-Secret: {tokenApiSecret}

Request Body:
    "clientOrderId": "1234567890",
    "expiresAt": "2024-12-01T12:00:00Z",
    "fixedAmount": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "USD"
    "returnUrl": "https://example.com/return",
    "name": "My shopping cart checkout",
    "type": "FIXED_PRICE"

Response Example:

  "id": "CCO-8c4df2e6-8c0d-4fa6-bba8-4943038dd5c5",
  "projectId": "CAP-df02b127-6717-4a73-a231-5a57155308a5",
  "projectName": "kasdk",
  "merchantDomain": "paycrypto.zero.z1.wtf",
  "clientOrderId": "12345zxq167890",
  "status": "NEW",
  "reason": null,
  "name": "My shopping cart checkout",
  "type": "FIXED_PRICE",
  "fixedAmount": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": 100
  "suggestedAmounts": null,
  "cryptoCurrencies": [
  "cryptoCurrenciesByBlockchain": {
  "cryptoCurrencyDetails": {
  "estimatedPayAmounts": {
  "minLimits": {},
  "maxLimits": {},
  "merchantFixedPlatformFees": {
  "merchantPercentPlatformFees": {
  "payerFixedPlatformFees": {},
  "payerPercentPlatformFees": {},
  "request": null,
  "returnUrl": "https://example.com/return",
  "acquiringUrl": "https://paycrypto.inqud.com/checkout/CCO-8c4df2e6-8c0d-4fa6-bba8-4943038dd5c5",
  "createdAt": "2023-12-22T09:17:26.081523507Z",
  "lastUpdatedAt": null,
  "expiresAt": "2024-12-01T12:00:00Z"

The id from the server response, which begins with CCO- is the {checkoutId} you will use to initialize the widget.

2. Render widget in frontend

First, import the script:

<script src="https://paycrypto.inqud.com/widget.js" defer></script>

Then, initialize the widget:

<app-widget id="{checkoutId}"></app-widget>

Note: The {checkoutId} is the identifier for the checkout, which you have created in the previous step.

Embedded widget has a fixed width of 392px

3. Define JavaScript callback

Provide a JavaScript function to receive checkout status updates and adjust your frontend accordingly.

// Define callback function      
function handleCheckoutStatusChange(event) {
  const checkoutId = event.detail.id;
  const status = event.detail.status;
  console.log(`Callback Invoked: checkoutId=${checkoutId}, status=${status}`);

  // Handle the status change according to your business logic
  if (status === 'SUCCESS') {
    // Payment was successful, update the frontend accordingly
  } else if (status === 'CONFLICT') {
    // Payment is in conflict, update the frontend accordingly

// Wait for the widget to load
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const widget = document.querySelector('app-widget');

    // Register "handleCheckoutStatusChange()" for receiving callbacks
    if (widget) {
        widget.addEventListener('statusChanged', handleCheckoutStatusChange);

In this example, the handleCheckoutStatusChange function is called whenever the status of the checkout changes. The checkoutId and status are then extracted from the event.details object and used to update the frontend according to the business logic of the merchant.

The widget variable is initialized to the app-widget element which represents the crypto widget. An event listener is then added to the widget that listens for status changes. When a status change occurs, the handleCheckoutStatusChange function is called with the event object as an argument.

event.details contains CheckoutPublic Example:

    "id": "CCO-5b063d0e-7f11-4bc3-af62-ea9ffc9a64b2",
    "clientOrderId": "l0bx2gHuxAF9eW8t92OlZgKK1e5As.y7HujRSy7g3123123vR12",
    "merchantDomain": "localhost",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reason": null,
    "name": "Test",
    "type": "FIXED_PRICE",
    "fixedAmount": {
        "currency": "UAH",
        "amount": 3120
    "cryptoCurrencies": [],
    "cryptoCurrenciesByBlockchain": {},
    "cryptoCurrencyDetails": {},
    "estimatedPayAmounts": {},
    "request": {
        "id": "CAPD-aabf2026-50e8-4bd4-b7a2-8ca1560a5df0",
        "clientOrderId": "l0bx2gHuxAF9eW8t92OlZgKK1e5As.y7HujRSy7g3123123vR12",
        "checkoutId": "CCO-5b063d0e-7f11-4bc3-af62-ea9ffc9a64b2",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "blockchain": "ETHEREUM",
        "paymentWindowEndsAt": "2023-05-08T12:36:32.28753Z",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "reason": null,
        "address": "0x4492106d4bc36ccfaed0920b64f9313aca95bba1",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-08T12:26:32.287566Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-05-08T12:31:01.373229Z",
        "paymentStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "txHash": "0x72b879062fccae9f3341377baf227368886312d0571261bf3159034c45c25702",
        "payerPlatformFee": 10,
        "processingAmount": 82.45244,
        "payAmount": 92.45244,
        "paidAmount": 92.45244,
        "requestAmount": 3120,
        "requestAmountIn": "UAH",
        "convertPair": "USDTUAH",
        "convertRate": 37.84,
        "overpaid": false,
        "minLimit": null,
        "maxLimit": null
    "successfulLink": null,
    "failureLink": null,
    "expiresAt": "2023-05-08T16:25:19.894107Z"

Full HTML snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Payment Widget Test Page</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.inqud.com/crypto-acquiring/widget.js" defer></script>
    <h1>Payment Widget Test</h1>
    <app-widget id="YOUR_CHECKOUT_ID"></app-widget>

        // Define callback function      
        function handleCheckoutStatusChange(event) {
            const checkoutId = event.detail.id;
            const status = event.detail.status;

            console.log(`Callback Invoked: checkoutId=${checkoutId}, status=${status}`);

            // Handle the status change according to your business logic
            if (status === 'SUCCESS') {
                // Payment was successful, update the frontend accordingly
                console.log('Payment Successful');
            } else if (status === 'CONFLICT') {
                // Payment is in conflict, update the frontend accordingly
                console.log('Payment Conflict');

        // Wait for the widget to load
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
            const widget = document.querySelector('app-widget');

            // Register "handleCheckoutStatusChange()" for receiving callbacks
            if (widget) {
                widget.addEventListener('statusChanged', handleCheckoutStatusChange);
Checkout Web Hook

Last updated