⚙️Inqud Hosted

Users can be directed from your website or mobile application to the Inqud Hosted Page to complete their payment.


  • Your business account with Inqud is set up, complete with API tokens configured.

  • The Crypto Widget has been established and configured within the Inqud platform.

  • The Crypto Widget is active.

  • Checkout web-hook is configured.


1. Create Checkout through Inqud API

Request Example:


Request Headers:
X-Token-API-Id: {tokenApiId}
X-Token-API-Secret: {tokenApiSecret}

Request Body:
    "clientOrderId": "1234567890",
    "expiresAt": "2024-12-01T12:00:00Z",
    "fixedAmount": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "USD"
    "returnUrl": "https://example.com/return",
    "name": "My shopping cart checkout",
    "type": "FIXED_PRICE"

Response Example:

  "id": "CCO-8c4df2e6-8c0d-4fa6-bba8-4943038dd5c5",
  "projectId": "CAP-df02b127-6717-4a73-a231-5a57155308a5",
  "projectName": "kasdk",
  "merchantDomain": "paycrypto.zero.z1.wtf",
  "clientOrderId": "12345zxq167890",
  "status": "NEW",
  "reason": null,
  "name": "My shopping cart checkout",
  "type": "FIXED_PRICE",
  "fixedAmount": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": 100
  "suggestedAmounts": null,
  "cryptoCurrencies": [
  "cryptoCurrenciesByBlockchain": {
  "cryptoCurrencyDetails": {
  "estimatedPayAmounts": {
  "minLimits": {},
  "maxLimits": {},
  "merchantFixedPlatformFees": {
  "merchantPercentPlatformFees": {
  "payerFixedPlatformFees": {},
  "payerPercentPlatformFees": {},
  "request": null,
  "returnUrl": "https://example.com/return",
  "acquiringUrl": "https://paycrypto.inqud.com/checkout/CCO-8c4df2e6-8c0d-4fa6-bba8-4943038dd5c5",
  "createdAt": "2023-12-22T09:17:26.081523507Z",
  "lastUpdatedAt": null,
  "expiresAt": "2024-12-01T12:00:00Z"

2. Redirect end user to acquiring URL

Extract acquiringUrl from Checkout response and redirect your end user to it.

Checkout Web Hook

Last updated